Eyes Wide Shut

Pubblicazione sul Washington Post by Filippo Venturi

Su In Sight, del Washington Post, è uscita una selezione del mio lavoro fotografico "Eyes wide shut" sul Ballo del Doge, che ho documentato per 4 anni durante il Carnevale di Venezia!
Grazie al photoeditor Kenneth Dickerman.
L’articolo originale è qui: https://www.washingtonpost.com/photography/2022/04/21/photos-venices-over-top-il-ballo-del-doge

On In Sight, the Washington Post’s photography blog, a selection of my photographic work "Eyes wide shut" on the Ballo del Doge, which I documented for 4 years during the Venice Carnival, has been published!
Thanks to photoeditor Kenneth Dickerman.
The original article is here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/photography/2022/04/21/photos-venices-over-top-il-ballo-del-doge

Eyes Wide Shut in mostra a Bibbiena by Filippo Venturi


Il mio lavoro fotografico "Eyes wide Shut", premiato nel concorso "Crediamo ai tuoi occhi", sarà in mostra al Centro Italiano della Fotografia d'Autore di Bibbiena dal 21 settembre al 17 novembre 2019!

Saranno esposti anche gli altri lavori premiati, di autori del calibro di Daniele Vita, Umberto Verdoliva, Enrico Genovesi, Andrea Angelini, Alessandro Mazzola e altri.

La mostra sarà aperta dal martedì al sabato negli orari 9.30-12.30 e 15.30-18.30 e domenica nell'orario 10-12.30.

Mostra "The State of the World" a Parigi by Filippo Venturi


I miei lavori Korean Dream e Eyes Wide Shut saranno esposti nella Galleria Espace Beaurepaire di Parigi dall'11 Luglio 2018. In mostra ci sarà un gruppo di lavori fotografici selezionati da Hossein Farmani, fondatore di Px3 Paris Photography Prize.

La presentazione ufficiale:

“The State of the World”
urated Exhibtion by Hossein Farmani

It is my pleasure to present a new PX3 annual event, “The State of the World” – stories specially selected from the entries to the Paris Photo Prize; global stories worth telling because they are eyewitness accounts as told through the lens of the photographer; stories both happy and sad, inspiring and shocking, gentle and brutal; stories to focus your eyes and mind on issues that are current and crucial in our world today.
We live in an era where we have faster access to information than any previous generation and limitless amounts of knowledge at our fingertips, and yet it is harder than ever for us to discover the truth.
We are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day but we are more disconnected than ever from our fellow-human beings and the really important issues that affect our world.
We are bombarded with an avalanche of opinion polls, fake news, and propaganda till it becomes almost impossible to distinguish fact from fiction and we forget what true story telling looks like.
Our goal is to bring you the uncensored news, directly from the photographers that witness events first-hand, with the guarantee that they are not manipulated by the mainstream media or sensationalized for profit.
We believe that as long as we remain committed to speaking the truth as we see it and supporting those who make it their passion and life’s work to tell and share their eyewitness information with the world, we can effect great change and ensure that truth will always have a clear voice.

Eyes Wide Shut on D di Repubblica by Filippo Venturi

My reportage of "Il Ballo del Doge" has been published in this week's issue of D di Repubblica!


Eyes Wide Shut on Touring Magazine by Filippo Venturi

My reportage of "Il Ballo del Doge" has been published in the February issue of the Touring Magazine!